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ABC/Washington Post poll shows majority of Americans support gay marriage.

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According to a just released ABC/Washington Post poll the majority of Americans support Gay Marriage the first time in the polls history and a marked 17 point increase, with a 9 percent increase among conservatives and larger increases among liberals and moderates. What's more 53 percent think their state should recognize gay marriages made out of state. That's over half the country.


"...Take gay marriage, legal in Massachusetts, Connecticut and now Iowa, with Vermont coming aboard in September. At its low, in 2004, just 32 percent of Americans favored gay marriage, with 62 percent opposed. Now 49 percent support it versus 46 percent opposed -- the first time in ABC/Post polls that supporters have outnumbered opponents.

More than half, moreover -- 53 percent -- say gay marriages held legally in another state should be recognized as legal in their states.

The surprise is that the shift has occurred across ideological groups. While conservatives are least apt to favor gay marriage, they've gone from 10 percent support in 2004 to 19 percent in 2006 and 30 percent now -- overall a 20-point, threefold increase, alongside a 13-point gain among liberals and 14 points among moderates. (Politically, support for gay marriage has risen sharply among Democrats and independents alike, while far more slightly among Republicans.)..."

I'm really not against gay marriage.

But I do think a lot of the people for it are hypocrites, because they don't support the rights of other nontraditional unions such as polygamy.

Giuliano Taverna:
They don't? are you sure?

I support any policy that gives people equal legal rights. If you want to marry a man, a woman, 2 men, 2 women, a man and a woman at the same time, or whatever combination of the above. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to. As long as you obey the law, fulfill basic social obligations, and contribute to society.

I am very happy about this, it shows a great increase in understanding among Americans as a whole.

My views on marriage are that it has always been a very poor blend of religious and legal. Either take the religion out of it all together, or make it totally religious and let the Church deal with divorces, and who can marry in the first place and why or why not. I still think that's fair; if you don't like the stringency of qualifying for a Catholic Marriage, get a Unitarian Marriage.

Giuliano Taverna:
I agree, religious and secular communities should self regulate their moral and cultural traditions without state interference.

The state must only recognize and protect the liberty of people and their equality before the law. It has no need to enforce a single minded view of how one should live. As long as ones life has no negative effects on others, they should be allowed to do what they wish, the way they wish.


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