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Right wing / Re: If Patton were alive...
« Last post by VelvetComa on October 14, 2009, 12:31:07 am »
Very Cool..   ;)
Global / Re: Obama Awared Nobel Peace Prize
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on October 09, 2009, 08:20:36 pm »
As did Jimmy Carter, Yasir Arafat, and Al Gore.

He may as well have won a free box of fries at McDonald's for all the credibility the Nobel prize has. Its a partisan political hack award bestowed by the Norwegian Parliament to reward anyone who puts America down.

On very rare occasions to they give that award to someone who actually deserves it.
Global / Obama Awared Nobel Peace Prize
« Last post by Nin on October 09, 2009, 08:16:32 pm »
OSLO – The announcement drew gasps of surprise and cries of too much, too soon. Yet President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday because the judges found his promise of disarmament and diplomacy too good to ignore.
The five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee — four of whom spoke to The Associated Press, said awarding Obama the peace prize could be seen as an early vote of confidence intended to build global support for the policies of his young administration.

Right wing / A Song about Obama
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 28, 2009, 10:17:59 pm »
Obama's loved over the ocean!
Obama's loved over the sea!
Obama's loved over the ocean!
By Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, and Kaddafi!
Right wing / If Patton were alive...
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 26, 2009, 09:58:00 pm »
If Patton were alive, Osama would be chained to an oar

If only...
The Public Forum / Re: They say a picture is worth a thousand words....
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 21, 2009, 10:48:24 pm »
I had hoped you would comment on this.

Lets just say if more republicans were like McCain, I'd still be one.
The Public Forum / Re: What is wrong with America?
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 21, 2009, 10:46:42 pm »
Yeah, on an update, my cousin told my father to tell me he was sorry for the mix up. He didn't recognize me because its been so long since we've seen each other last.
Big Government - Authoritarian / Re: My Problem with Universal Health Care
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 21, 2009, 08:51:51 pm »
I don't consider life a right either in the sense that the government has to take proactive steps to protect you from the elements. My understanding of the right to life is that the government won't take life away from you, that goes for liberty and the pursuit of happiness if you like.

That having been said the system you describe isn't objectionable as far as I am concerned. It seems fair enough. However I don't think its practical.

I think a much simpler and less costly way to insure national health-care coverage would be to negotiate compensation in higher wages for the loss of employer provided health-care, impose anti trust regulations on insurance companies, reform and reorganize regulations and subsidies related to the health-care system. And create a social welfare program designed to cover regular doctors visits and chronic disease. This will be based on a simple negative tax deduction system. If you pay more than your health-care cost in taxes, you would be allowed to deduct that much from it. If you pay less you would be given money back.

It seems to me that could solve the major problems in the health-care system.

Lack of competition

strain on business

preventative treatment


the cost of health-care.

It would also require either the current amount of bureaucracy or even less. Limiting upkeep costs.

Big Government - Authoritarian / Re: My Problem with Universal Health Care
« Last post by Alia on September 21, 2009, 08:24:57 pm »
I don't agree with your assertion that to want people to have access to healthiness is to believe it to be a right. I have always drawn the distinction between rights and publicly provided services.

A right is something you have, that a dictator can take away from you. Such as your life, your property, your freedom, your ability to speak, ect. That is the basis of the bill of rights in this country. To protect people from other people, and from the government. Not to protect people from themselves or from nature. This I believe is primarily their responsibility.

If Life is a right, then so is Health. In an Alia-style fascist dictatorship, the dictator makes the disctinction between the inferior genes and their hapless bearer. One must be wiped out; the other should not be punished. As long as the latter is behaving responsibly, and is in fact a victim of his own body, the State will pick up the slack, provided the person agrees to be sterilised. If Technology advances far enough, they would even be allowed to have children as long as their gametes go through a process that assures the disorder is not passed on.

I have no problem with Health being a right for those that are responsible enough to earn it; I have a problem with the alternative, with people dying of heart problems at 45 while cigarette smokers who drink and drug outlast them, even if they die more slowly and painfully when the time comes. Protecting people from Nature is a part of creating a world where instead of chaos and randomness, we have rewards for responsibility and punishments for bad behaviour. This replaces helplessness and apathy with a healthy dose of drive, pride and deserving in accomplishment, and confidense for the broad masses. I think that's worth it, because Humans need it. In the Past, this need was filled by gods who were either punishing you or rewarding you, depending upon your behaviour. Without these gods, without the false assurance of fairness they provide, hopelessness takes over. One of the only benefits of a large government is that it can provide this fairness, only real, instead of false.

I also see a fundamental flaw with your proposed system. If you cut compensation to doctors, less will aspire to be doctors. The fewer doctors there are, the longer the wait time will be to see them. This is why you can't fix prices. The same holds true of any commodity. if you say grain can only be a certain price, then people will stop growing it and chose another more profitable crop.

Managing the economy in this way will only guarantee that for every sector you regulate, others will expand, and that one will contract. This will create shortages in some places, and unneeded surpluses in others.

For your system to work, you would need to be able to force a certain number of people to become doctors. And that would require radically changing our system of government.

I don't think so, the "force" is already there, and the State would simply have to take everyone who needs a job and put them through the system I outlined. If they aren't perfect, so what? They can still learn. Standards are kept artificially high to inflate the price of medical care and the profits of doctors. I'm talking about tearing down this artificial wall, not making more.

Your thought about Capitalism is very true. But remember, Capitalism is not the fairness it seems to be. Bound up in it, it has all the price-fixing, absence of competition, and control of the economy which I can tell you despise. Only, in Capitalism, instead of fixing prices so they don't go higher, Trusts fix them so they stay artificially high. Instead of denying competion with State-run control, big companies work together to crush upstarts with their greater financial power and keep their pockets fat.

You should forget words like Capitalism and Socialism, and more importantly, their associations. Capitalism is not any more neccesarilly associated with free competition than Socialism is, except in the rare case when Capitaism is newborn and only if everyone starts on a decently level playing field.

It's just a matter of where the control comes from.
The Mud pile / MA reps like ****
« Last post by Giuliano Taverna on September 17, 2009, 05:47:43 pm »
Out of the 9 state reps only 1, John Tierney voted to cut funding for Acorn after being caught assisting in the exploitation of under-aged minorities.

Acorn are the scum of the earth, they tried to help a pimp sell under-aged girls to perverts for sex, under-aged girls from al Salvador.

Giving minorities a hand up? Try handing their young women over to pervert!

Anyway, all the state reps of Massachusetts except John Tierney are the scum of the earth, vote for anyone but them.
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